In the house that I share with many housemates, we have a meal plan that allows us to hire a Chef to prepare meals for us. Even though our kitchen is fully equipped with pots, pans and cooking trays, our Chef refuses to use this cookware that is available to him. Rather, our Chef purchases disposable aluminum cooking trays from the food budget and throws them away in the garbage after each use. When I asked the Chef why he doesn’t use the pans that we already have, he responded to me by stating, “I don’t want to waste the time to clean the pans, and besides these pans are biodegradable.” I replied, “Yeah, maybe in two hundred years.” The problem seems to be that we have a chef that isn’t motivated to wash pans or recycle. How do you motivate a person that you are paying to prepare meals for you to recycle? Threaten to fire him? As you can see from the pictures, we have the pans available to replace the disposable aluminum pans the Chef would rather use and the result of his actions, or lack thereof, three large disposable aluminum pans in the garbage.

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