Being a resident of Medbury dormitories can be a very frustrating experience when it comes to being an ecologically friendly person with your trash. These two pictures taken this week show a substantial problem with waste management in Medbery. As I said in my first blog I would be keeping up with my weekend (Friday-Sunday) plastic waste generation. The bottom picture shows how much plastic I have produced in just three weekends: 17 bottles and 3 water cups. To me personally this seems like a decent amount of plastic to be wasting for one person, which brings me to my other picture. The photo taken on the top is of the trash receptacles that are supplied to students in Mebery. We have no differentiation from recycling and regular trash, it all goes into those two openings. All of my plastic waste had I not been saving it would have been thrown into those holes with any other garbage that people from this dorm generate. I took a trip to the miniquad and all three of those buildings have separate receptacles for non recycling and recycling. It confuses me why the school does not have the same setup for Medbery. If they want to be serious about getting recycling rates up it seems like they might want to start with having recycling bins in all housing facilities.
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