Inspired by Elizabeth
Royte's Garbage Land: On the Secret Trail of Trash and the trash audit I decided that I would start my own garbage project. I wanted to know what my house of 5 (
HWS EMS House) was throwing out. I don't have a scale so I couldn't weigh the trash but I did look through it and I decided that I would sort it. I also decided that I was going to start collecting the compost in my house to take to the composting bins in
Scandling Center. I found that my house does a pretty good job at sorting recyclables and non-recyclables. I also saw that we are using a lot of paper towels and similar products when we could be using hand towels or sponges. With my composting research I found that you can actually compost paper towels. With a little push I believe that my house can find more things to recycle and compost and less things to throw away.
Awesome idea Amanda! This is really interesting and I think it is great that you are going to try to compost. We should educate more small houses on campus to do the same, it's probably not that much more work.