While on spring break I was able to take two very good photos relating to waste that is generated at my house. The picture on the top is of two garbage bags that my family uses to throw our trash in that is generated throughout the day. I come from a 7 person, 2 dog household and when we are all home the amount of waste we generate builds up rather quickly. The two bags seen here can be generated up to every two days, meaning about one of those bags a day. In our waste district on Long Island the waste is collected and sorted at the dump site, aside from cans and glass we do not have to separate the waste that we generate. Paper and food products are the largest quantities of waste that those bags contain. The picture on the bottom was taken while on the train into New York City. If you look closely between the floor and the railroad platform you can see a huge mound of black garbage bags. I was able to grab a quick shot of this spectacle as the train was passing by. I was not sure what it was or how it gets disposed of but there was a literal mountain of black garbage bags in what appeared to be someones backyard. There were no sanitation buildings near by as far as i could tell and the building closest seemed to be a small housing facility. I thought this was something people would like to see and also speculate about.
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